General Note
IRC reserves the right to make changes in product specifi cation without notice or liability.
All information is subject to IRC’s own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. A subsidiary of
TT electronics plc
• 4222 South Staples Street • Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA
Wire and Film Technologies Division
Telephone: 361 992 7900 • Facsimile: 361 992 3377 • Website: www.irctt.com
• 0.1 to 0.6 watts
• Tolerance to ±.01%
• 0.1 ohm to 3 meg ohms
• Approved to M, P, & R levels
• TCR’s from ±2 ppm/°C to +6000 ppm/°C
• Meets or exceeds all applicable MIL-R-93 & MIL-R-39005 ratings
Miniature printed circuit resistors incorporate an uncommon number of production and design refi nements to assure
excellent resistance stability, close resistance tolerances, low TCR capabilities and high structural strength. To
assure their high quality standards, premium grade selected wire is reverse pi wound with miniumum stress on high
temperature epoxy bobbins, permeated with a resilient inner cushion coat, and isolated from the external protection
shell by a special dry air chamber.
To promote additional resistance stability and accurate initial calibrations all resistors are subjected to an extensive
accelerated aging program. Weldable and/or solderable leads (a choice of lead material is available) are fi rmly
anchored and bonded inside the bobbin for maximum structural strength. All resistor markings are impervious to printed
circuit board cleaning solvents and lead spacing is suffi ciently well controlled for automatic insertion on standard grid
TCR and Temperature Data
Style Resistance Range (Ω) Absolute TCR (ppm/°C) Operating Temperature Range (°C)
0.1 - 0.9
1.0 - 9.9
10 - 99.9
100 - 12M
-65 to +145
Special Screening / Acceptance Test:
Special tests can be performed on a 100% or sample basis, to meet individual customer requirements. Some of the available non-
destructive tests include:
Each of these tests is designed to detect a spectrum of potential resistor defects. Consult the factory for recommendations and a
quotation on special screening or acceptance tests to meet your needs.
Short Time Overload•
Thermal Shock•
Mechanical Shock•
Temperature Coeffi cient of Resistance•
Radiographic Inspection•
RB / RBR, HR / 4000, PC Series
Radial Lead Precision
Wirewound Resistors
RB / RBR, HR / 4000, PC Series Issue November 2010 Sheet 1 of 3